I really, really love Meg Cabot’s The Princess Diaries series. It’s not exactly my normal reading material, but the movie was a bit of a guilty pleasure for me, so I ended up buying the second book in the series while in Jackson last month. Well, if you go read the books now, make sure you read the FIRST one first, because if, like me, you think that if you’ve seen the movie you’re all set to read the second book, YOU’RE NOT! The book is WAY different than the movie.
Today I got my amazon.com package, which both pissed me off and made me happy. It frustrated me because I placed my order last monday and I just now got it. I ordered the third Princess Diaries book and a Terry Pratchett book. Both were in stock, so I don’t know why it took them so long to get to me. Heck, I could have gone out last week and bought the books. I had really wanted them to read in the car on the way to MTAC and back, but of course, they came too late for that.
So I got the books and laid them aside, and I didn’t even crack one of them until late this afternoon. So mom got home from school about 4 with my second lunch and I started reading Princess In Love then.
I just finished it, and I had to come gush over how HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY the ending made me.